Sunday, June 12, 2011

RANT: E3 Part 1

My first entry (I apologize now for all future posts for my bad grammar). How sweet. Essentially for the most part this blog will be about my thoughts and reviews on media. Music, movies, books, video games and whatever the hell else i feel like talking about past, present or future.Hopefully this will be somewhat enjoyable for people. If not, hey, at least i may get some kicks out of it. To kick this bad boy off lets start with a recent event that just concluded a few days ago. E3.

Press Conferences Of The Main Three:

Microsoft- Thoughts: Poop
I am in no way whatsoever left with a good taste in my mouth after Microsoft's press conference this year. Gears of War: check. Halo: check. Fable: check. A bunch of games I don't give two shits about: check. What else did they spend time on besides these big overplayed franchises. Oh yeah. The Kinect. My most hated video game related device at this moment in time. Microsoft should get this through their heads. The people that have supported your company since the original Xbox do not care about the Kinect. I think there's a reason that most people who play games more than casually do not have a Wii as their go to system (or maybe it's because the Wii has no third party support). The point of this is that Kinect and motion control gaming suck an infinite amount of balls. Cloud saving is cool. But I don't need to use it.

Sony- Thoughts: Dynamite
First of all I am Sooooooo excited that there was not an insane amount of mention of the Move (See above for how much I hate motion control gaming). But there was a lot about Uncharted and the NGP with the freshly minted name Vita. All I could think about after watching the press conference is that I need both right now. The potential to play cross-over titles on either system has me giddy like a schoolgirl about to get her first finger blasting by the cutest kid in class. I am thoroughly looking forward to this fall. Thank you Sony. More than you know.

Nintendo- Thoughts: Ehhhh
I was very conflicted about my feelings on Nintendo's press conference. First, the 3DS content coming out slowly is making me come around to the system. They have a lot of good titles coming out within the next year  which may just validate buying the system. SMT Devil Survivor 2 and Star Fox being big reasons. The biggest reason may be the gameplay I saw from the Kid Icarus game. I don't know why but i immediately wanted to get a 3DS at that moment just to be ready for when it came out. Not too mention the weapon variation and online features seem heavenly. I'm glad they didn't have anything really about the Wii. But why would they when now they can push the Wii U. At first I was thinking to myself "this is pretty cool". But after some thought is this really going to be that much of innovation for me. Do i really want to do moves and commands on a touch screen. I am very accustomed to the traditional control. Even the Sixaxis on Sony controllers bothers me most of the time (except when I play Flower, cause Flower is just awesome). If they somehow find a way to make me have a good time with this whole new experience i may get on board. I was also thrown off by my assumption that these controllers would cost a pretty penny a pop if you wanted to play multiplayer. But Nintendo squashed those concerns since. Since the conference the reports are that it seems as though at this time it will only support one controller at a time. Which is a little weird. Let's see what they can do with the system and if their will be enough exclusive games and content for it to be a success.

That about wraps up my quick thoughts on the big three's press conferences this year. I will post a part 2 about individual games I'm looking forward to and games that look like utter garbage. Please come back and visit.